January 28, 2009

crazy days

Somehow, sometimes, life just gets away from you. Every once in a while, I catch myself thinking 'its what day??? how can that be?? where did my week go?!?'.

I caught myself doing that today and its only Wednesday! Staring at the growing mound of laundry, the unopened mail, the dirty and messily stacked dishes in the dishwasher, and the empty fridge - I sighed and thought, 'it'll have to wait another day'.

Between work, the gym, eating and sleeping, I don't have time for much more this week. It makes me long for the days of Christmas when all I had to do was sit on the sofa with my hubby, with a fire in the fireplace, a coffee in my hand and a magazine to pass the time ... *sigh*

And still, there's a silver lining. Amid the crazy busy of the week, I have my handsome husband to share daily life with. And that makes it all OK.

Remember, finding the silver lining in any day makes any day bearable.

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